रविवार, 6 सितंबर 2020

पोखरण: भारत के पहले परमाणु परीक्षण की पूरी कहानी...

 पोखरण: भारत के पहले परमाणु परीक्षण की पूरी कहानी..

Anil Kakodar, nuclear scientist, was director of Bhabha Atomic Research Centre when India conducted nuclear tests in Pokhran in May 1998. He had been actively involved in the nuclear tests of 1974 as well. From 2000, he was Secretary, Department of Atomic Energy, and Chairman of Atomic Energy Commission, posts he held for nine years; it was during his time as AEC chairman that the civil nuclear cooperation agreement was negotiated

If you want to know more about pokharan, click here.. (In hindi) 

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Various diseases caused by microbes and deficiencies -mcq

   1-The following is a deficiency disease. (A) Jaundice (B) Scurvy (C) Cancer (D) Asthma 2-‘Poliomyelitis’ is spread by (A) Bacteria (B) Wa...