रविवार, 11 अप्रैल 2021



👉 Indian Naval Ship Kiltan arrived at NhaRong Port, Ho Chi Minh City as part of Mission Sagar-III.


👉This Mission is part of India’s Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) assistance to Friendly Foreign Countries during the ongoing pandemic. 

👉The ship delivered 15 Tons of HADR Stores for the flood-affected people of Central Vietnam. 

👉 This assistance is reflective of the deep people-to-people connect between the two friendly countries. 

👉 Mission Sagar-III is being undertaken in accordance with Hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision of SAGAR (Security And Growth for All in the Region) and reiterates India’s position as a dependable partner, and the Indian Navy as the Preferred Security Partner and First Responder. 

👉The Mission also highlights the importance accorded to ASEAN countries and further strengthens the existing bonds. 

👉 India and Vietnam have a civilizational relationship that is over two millennia old. India-Vietnam relations have grown stronger in recent times due to the vibrant economic engagement and growing convergence on issues of common interests. The bilateral relations were elevated to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership in 2016.

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