गुरुवार, 10 जून 2021



🔹 The President

➨ Oath - Chief Justice of India or in his absence the senior most Judge of Supreme Court.

➨ Resignation submitted to - Vice-President

🔹 Vice-President  

➨ Oath - President or some person appointed in that behalf by the President.

➨ Resignation submitted to - President

🔹 Prime Minister  

➨ Oath - President

➨ Resignation submitted to - President

🔹 Lok Sabha Speaker  

➨ Oath - President

➨ Resignation submitted to - Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha

🔹 Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha  

➨ Oath - President

➨ Resignation submitted to - Lok Sabha Speaker

🔹 Chief Election Commissioner  

➨ Oath - President

➨ Resignation submitted to - President

🔹 Attorney General  

➨ Oath - President

➨ Resignation submitted to - President

🔹 Comptroller and Auditor General  

➨ Oath - President or some person appointed in that behalf by the President.

➨ Resignation submitted to - President

🔹 Solicitor-General  

➨ Oath - President

➨ Resignation submitted to - President

🔹 Chairman, Public Service Commission  

Oath - President

Resignation submitted to - President

🔹 Chairman, Planning Commission  

➨ Oath - President

➨ Resignation submitted to - President

🔹 Members, Planning Commission  

➨ Oath - Prime Minister

➨ Resignation submitted to - Prime Minister

🔹 Governor, RBI  

➨ Oath - President

➨ Resignation submitted to - President

🔹 Chief Minister  

➨ Oath - Governor

➨ Resignation submitted to - Governor

🔹 Chief Justice of High Court  

➨ Oath - Governor

➨ Resignation submitted to - President

🔹 Other Judges of High Court  

Oath - Governor

Resignation submitted to - President

🔹 Advocate General  

➨ Oath - Governor

➨ Resignation submitted to - Governor

🔹 Accountant General  

➨ Oath - Governor

➨ Resignation submitted to - Governor

🔹 Chairman, State Public Service Commission  

➨ Oath - Governor

➨ Resignation submitted to - Governor

🔹 Members, State Public Service Commission  

➨ Oath - Governor

➨ Resignation submitted to - Governor

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feature post

Various diseases caused by microbes and deficiencies -mcq

   1-The following is a deficiency disease. (A) Jaundice (B) Scurvy (C) Cancer (D) Asthma 2-‘Poliomyelitis’ is spread by (A) Bacteria (B) Wa...