गुरुवार, 23 जनवरी 2025

Education MCQ part -12

 1 What is the most essential requirement for providing Guidance Services in schools ?

1 Guidance and Counselling Rooms
2 Standardized Tests for Appraisal of Students
3 Time qualified
4 Professionally adequately trained personnel
Answer: Professionally adequately trained personnel
2 Equating through matched pairs is the method used in
1 Survey Research
2 Experimental Research
3 Sociological Research
4 Trend Research
Answer: Experimental Research
3 The teacher teaches a straight line by placing several points in a particular direction is an example of
1 Law of proximity
2 Law of closure
3 Law of common direction
4 Law of simplicity
Answer: Law of common direction
4 A baby sucking her thumb is an example of
1 Regression
2 Aggression
3 Displacement
4 Withdrawal
Answer: Regression
5 A child who reads dog as god falls in which category of learning disability ?
1 Dyslexia
2 Dysgraphia
3 Dyspraxia
4 Dysplasia
Answer: Dyslexia
6 The two most important characteristics of a standardised test are
1 objectivity and reliability
2 reliability and validity
3 reliability and usability
4 practicability and usability
Answer: reliability and validity
7 The qualitative judgments about a teaching media can take place through
1 Measurement
2 Evaluation
3 Interpretation
4 Description
Answer: Evaluation
8 Which is the universal objective of education ?
1 Liberation
2 Total development
3 Character
4 Vocation
Answer: Total development
9 The main focus of educational supervision is
1 Administration
2 Decision making
3 Educational services
4 Discipline ensuring
Answer: Educational services
10 Which one of the following variables is controlled in experimental research ?
1 Independent variables
2 Moderate variables
3 Dependent variables
4 Extraneous variables
Answer: Extraneous variables
11 One of the tools that can be used for in-depth data collection is
1 Test
2 Interview
3 Rating Scale
4 Observation
Answer: Interview
12 Deductive reasoning helps in
1 Sample Selection
2 Hypothesis Generation
3 Problem Identification
4 None of the above
Answer: Hypothesis Generation
13 Which of the following Committee recommended for improvement of Teacher Education Programme ?
1 Reddy Committee
2 Ramamurti Committee
3 Malaria
4 Mehrotra Committee
Answer: Ramamurti Committee
14 The meaning of Universalisation of Primary Education is to provide
1 Education to all
2 Education to all girls children
3 Free and compulsory education to all children
4 Free and compulsory education to the children of 6 – 14 years age
Answer: Free and compulsory education to the children of 6 – 14 years age
15 The rational equivalence type of reliability is determined by the method of :
1 Test-retest
2 Parallel Forms
3 Split-half
4 K-R Methods
Answer: K-R Methods

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