गुरुवार, 23 जनवरी 2025

Education MCQ part-9

1 The critical difference between naturalism and pragmatism is in the importance accorded to
1 aims
2 methods
3 social context
4 evaluation
Answer: aims
2 What is meant by ‘Culture’?
1 Complex whole of what man has achieved as being a member of the society.
2 Sophistication in dress, food, etc.
3 Civilization marked by the use of modern electric home appliances
4 Using computers, mobile phones, internet, etc.
Answer: Using computers, mobile phones, the internet, etc.
3 When the findings of experimental research are generalized to the target population, the research is said to possess
1 Internal validity
2 Concurrent validity
3 External validity
4 Predictive validity
Answer: External validity
4 Which of the following do lay the foundation for curriculum?
1 Societal Priority, Government and Resources
2 Philosophy, Sociology and Psychology
3 Study materials, Training facilities and Societal needs
4 Psychological bases of Education
Answer: Philosophy, Sociology and Psychology
5 Which of the following is an example of Summative Evaluation for Standard IX?
1 Quarterly Examination
2 Half-yearly Examination
3 Annual examination
4 Mid-Term Tests
Answer: Annual examination
6 The concept of advance organized was developed by
1 Bruner
2 Ausubel
3 Erikson
4 Kohlberg
Answer: Ausubel
7 Which of the following correct order comes under Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
1 Self-actualization, safety, love, esteem
2 Physiological need, self-actualisation, esteem, safety
3 Physiological needs, safety, love, esteem
4 Physiological need, esteem, self-actualization, love
Answer: Physiological need, safety, love, esteem
8 The Web.2 technologies which are helping in acquiring multiple knowledge are :
1 U-Tube
2 FaceBook
3 Wikipedia
4 All the above
Answer: All the above
9 The word cybernetics was first used by
1 Norbert Wiener
2 Claude E. Shannan
3 Warren Weaver Model
4 Aristotle
Answer: Norbert Wiener
10 Education does not include the following resources
1 Human resource
2 Material resources
3 Water resources
4 Financial resources
Answer: Water resources
11 Phenomenology is a method basically used in
1 Educational research
2 Philosophical research
3 Historical research
4 Experimental research
Answer: Philosophical research
12 The status-quo of a situation in research can be studied through :
1 Experimental research
2 Survey research
3 Historical research
4 Phenomenological research
Answer: Historical research
13 Which of the following is incorrect as a measure of dispersion?
1 Quartile Deviation
2 Range
3 MalStandard Deviation aria
4 Sampling Error
Answer: Sampling Error
14 Selection Test for admission to teacher training program was suggested by
Answer: NCTE
15 NCTE was established by an act of Parliament in
1 1975
2 1995
3 1996
4 1986
Answer: 1995

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