FR & SR ( Fundamental Rules & Supplementary Rules) & Service Rules- Introduction - One Liners
Q ➤ 1) FR & SR Came into Effect from : Ans ➤ 1st Jan 1922Q ➤ 2) Fundamental Rules and Supplementary Rules became applicable to Defence Accounts Department Personnel we.f :
Ans ➤ 1st July 1976
Q ➤ 3) Essential Requirement of Medical certificate for Government service is given in :Ans ➤ FR 10
Q ➤ 4) Matters for which power cannot be re-delegated by the administrative ministries to the subordinate authorities under FR: Ans ➤ (i) Creation of Posts (ii) Write-off of losses. (iii)Re-appreciation exceeding 10% of the original budget provision by electronic means.Q ➤ 5) Who has the powers to interpret the Fundamental Rules :
Ans ➤ President of India.
Q ➤ 6) Which allowance cannot be treated as a Compensatory allowance : Ans ➤ Sumptuary Allowance
Q ➤ 7) --- means title of a Government servant to hold a post to which he has been appointed on a regular basis:Ans ➤ Lien
Q ➤ 8) Government servant retains a Lien acquired on a post during : Ans ➤ i) Foreign Service (ii) Suspension (iii) The period of leave.
Q ➤ 9) Subscription to Provident Fund : Ans ➤ FR 16
Q ➤ 10) What are the disabilities to a Government servant when interruption or break in service occurs under FR - 17 A - Ans ➤ (i) Quaci permanency (ii) LTC (iii) Eligibility for appearing in departmental examinations, for which minimum period of continuous service is required.
Q ➤ 11) Who has the power to condone the unauthorised absence under FR 17-A : Ans ➤ Appointing Authority
Q ➤ 12) Pay Fixation is done under : Ans ➤ FR 22(I)(a)(1)
Q ➤ 13) Competent to grant advance increment : Ans ➤ Authorities competent to create a post (Permanent/ Temporary)
Q ➤ 14) Medical fitness certificate is attached in the employee's --:Ans ➤ service book.
Q ➤ 15) Powers of the President have been delegated to administrative ministries to authorise the drawal of pay and allowances in relaxation of FR 10 for a period not exceeding months in respect of fresh appointment to Government Service without medical certificate of health : Ans ➤ Two months
Q ➤ 16) The incentive scheme of advance increments for acquiring professional qualifications viz. AICA, ICQA, etc. ben replaced by One time lump sum from : Ans ➤ 31.01.1995
Q ➤ 17) Orders of The --- are necessary for regulating pay in case a Government servant’s promotion or appointment is found to be erroneous.:Ans ➤ President of India
Q ➤ 18) Concurrence of --- is necessary for a Government Servant, holding charge of another post for a period exceeding three months, to obtain payment of the additional post.Ans ➤ : DoPT
Q ➤ 19) Maximum number of increments that can be awarded to a sports person in his/her career for achieving excellence in national and international events : Ans ➤ 5 (Five)
Q ➤ 20) Maximum period prescribed for foreign service to an International Organization and Autonomous body trust, society etc. not controlled by Government or a private body : Ans ➤ 7 years in one stretch and 7 years in the entire career.
Q ➤ 21) Prescribed period beyond which a vacancy caused by the deputation of an officer to a Central Government approved training programme may be filled in the normal manner : Ans ➤ 45 days.
Q ➤ 22) Under FR 121 a government servant transferred to a foreign service is entitled to pension from a foreign employer only with the sanction of the :Ans ➤ Central Government.
Q ➤ 23) Willful absence from duty after the joining time has expired is treated as Misbehaviour under:Ans ➤ FR 108.Q ➤ 24) Who has the power to interpret the Fundamental Rules? :
Ans ➤ President of India
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